♪ [music] ♪- hi, everyone. dr. group here. today we're going to be talking about gluten,everything you need to know about gluten. so i'm happy you're joining me. first ofall, gluten is something that's gotten lot of attention lately. more and more peopleare becoming aware of it. so what i want to go over today is to explain exactly,what is gluten? what it does to your body? some of the associated health risks. whysome people are going gluten free? why i personally am gluten free? and i thinkeverybody should consider going gluten free. and then, i'll get into some tipsand some tricks for getting gluten out of your life. what to look for? how to setupa good plan for you and your children to
avoid gluten. looking around gluten ispractically everywhere in our food supply. so you don't have to try very hard to runinto it, but you do need to pay attention if you're trying to avoid it, whichhopefully you are especially after watching this video. otherwise there's alot of ways that gluten can sneak into your diet. so first for people who don'tknow, gluten is actually a plant protein. it's present mostly in grains such aswheat, rye, barley and a few others. but most people, however, are exposed togluten from wheat, that's the big gluten source or products that contain wheat. andgluten affects everyone. it's toxic to every single person's body. it's not justpeople with celiac disease or bowel
disorders. it's toxic to everybody. andwe're going to get into that a little bit later on. but gluten basically consist oftwo proteins gliadin and glutenin. these are the proteins that actually helpsstrengthen the dough in making bread, and they trap the air released by the yeast.gliadin is what causes the majority of the health problems for most people. so whensomeone is sensitive to gluten or can't tolerate gluten sensitivity, the gliadinis usually what's causing their problems. so you can basically think of gluten as ageneral allergen in the body. and when it gets into your body, it causesinflammation, it causes stomach problems, it sets off your immune system. and it maycause a lot of other symptoms and problems
that might be going on inside your system,that your doctor may not even know about, and that you might be on prescriptionmedications for. we'll talk about those problems, but let'stalk about or describe some of the ways we're exposed to gluten. if you don't knowjust how prevalent this stuff is, it's easy to think, "well, i don't get a lot ofgluten in my diet." and i've talked to patients all the time or i've talked toindividuals that say their gluten free, but what they don't realize is theyactually are getting gluten in their system. it's pretty good chance you gotsome hidden sources of gluten in your diet that you don't even know about.so anything that contains wheat, bread,
pasta, crackers, cereal, flour, tortillas.even less obvious things like, you might be eating a salad. you think you're doingeverything right and you forget about the croutons, certain energy bars, granolabars. believe it or not even a lot of healthy foods like these healthy snackbars contain gluten, and even organic foods contain wheat flour. some organicfoods contain wheat flour. some things you might not know aboutthings like ice cream, ketchup, salad dressings, other condiments, marinatingsauces. believe it or not, soy sauce even contains gluten. a lot of differentgravies that are out there. even medications, vitamins, even toothpastesometimes is made with gluten and it's not
even required to put it on the label.cosmetic items. things you would never think that would contain gluten canactually contain gluten. so gluten isn't something that the averageperson encounters once in a while, it's something they encounter all the time. fora lot of people there's probably not one meal that goes by that they don't consumegluten. this means a lot more opportunities for it to aggravate thelining of the small intestine, aggravate your body and possibly create digestiveproblems, as well as many other symptoms or problems in your body.and i want to let people know how important this is because after looking atthousands and thousands. . . we get
thousands of emails every day from peopleall over the world. and all the symptoms. and when the body starts to break down,and your self healing mechanism starts to become suppressed. i've looked at multipletoxins that can affect your body, everything from artificial sweeteners, tomsg, to genetically modified foods, to toxins and chemicals in the water, thebeverages. gluten is one of those things that i feelis so important people need to look at. and so important for people to eliminate,that's why i'm doing this seminar today. so please share this information witheverybody that you can. so you have to be careful because theingredient label a lot of times won't
provide the most clear answers.so it doesn't just list gluten as an ingredient all the time. and some peoplewill tell you that even maltodextrin, which is in practically everything isconsidered gluten free, but it can actually be derived from wheat. if you'retaking vitamin supplements most likely probiotics, enzyme supplements. mostlikely those are going to be maltodextrin based. so could think you're gluten freeor not taking in toxins, but you might actually be taking in hidden sources ofgluten. modified food starch is anotherquestionable ingredient. something called wheat germ. a lot of vegans, vegetarianswhen they go eat, a lot of the meat
substitutes are made with wheat which caneven be just as damaging as eating meat. so you want to definitely look out forwheat germ, and that's produced from wheat like i said.there's also things called agglutinin, which is a toxin produced by wheat toprotect itself. it's not gluten, but it's similar to gluten and it can produce asimilar immune reaction as gluten. a lot of sprouted wheat breads are high in thisstuff. and it's been shown that even one meal ofconsuming gluten can cause an immune response for up to six months. and it'sall about keeping your body healthy, and keeping your self healing mechanismactivated. so why do you want. . .all
these chemicals and toxins and all thestuff we're putting into our body are just causing more immune response and moredamage that your body ultimately has to fix.i've talked to a lot of people about this issue and one question that comes up a lotis, what about corn? does corn have gluten in it? and no, corn does not have glutenin it. but it does have some other problems likeit could be genetically modified. it can be tainted with pesticides like glyphosateor atrazine, which are two powerful endocrine disrupting chemicals. so i don'treally recommend corn that much as the most ideal gluten free substitute,although gmo free corn or organic corn
would be a better alternative.a lot of people will also tell you that you need to be aware of glutencontamination. you might go to a pizza restaurant that offers a gluten freecrust. but was it prepared in an area where the gluten dough was handled? andalso a big thing too is, a lot of the gluten free crust and a gluten free breadsalso have other contaminants in them as well. well, i'm really hoping that there'sgoing to be more certified organic gluten free alternatives in the future.but some people have even told me, that are real strict gluten free individuals,that they even had reactions when gluten free bread was shared in a toaster withgluten bread or the butter dish. someone
was using gluten bread and then there wascrumbs in the butter dish. as a matter of fact, most people nevereven feel symptoms of gluten toxicity. that's really one of the reasons that iwant to get across is that, every single person does have an allergy to gluten,whether you feel it or not. and i'm going to talk about some of these small symptomsyou might be having that can be caused by gluten. it might sound obsessive, but youhave to remember people who are sensitive to gluten, it doesn't take much for thebig problems to start. another thing about gluten is that notonly is it more prevalent in food production than you might think, but itcan actually interact with other food
additives like msg, artificial sweeteners,stuff like that. now sensitivity to gluten, gluten intolerance, celiacdisease. all these conditions are on the rise right now. it's what started this bigpush, which i'm happy about by health conscious people to go gluten free.so when we're talking about gluten sensitivity or intolerance, which affectspretty much every person. that can also referred to a group of conditions thatinclude wheat allergies, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. they're each a littlebit different, but basically similar, and that they're all basically an immuneresponse or allergic response to gluten. again there's a lot of differentcharacteristics and considerations, but
just for the sake of this conversation,i'm going to use them all interchangeably. so i'm not going to say, "okay, you haveceliac, non-celiac, this might be happening, this might be happening. whati'm going to talk about is just general sensitivities to gluten, which some of theways you can recognize it usually almost immediately is if you eat a meal and youhave abdominal pain, gas, bloating, you can either have constipation, diarrhea,fatigue, fatigue 30 minutes an hour after you eat, nausea and some of the extremecases you might actually have vomiting going on after you've consumed glutenmeals. sometimes people experience these things and figure it's just somethinggoing on in their body, lactose
intolerance or some other bowel condition,when it's really a sensitivity to gluten. one of the reasons that for thisconversation we're going to sort of look at gluten as toxic to everyone is becausei was looking at a lot of studies that have found individuals that didn't havescientific blood work or anything like that. a diagnosis to gluten allergies,still experienced a lot of symptoms like the diarrhea, fatigue, abdominal pain whenthey consumed gluten. so in other words, you don't have to havea medical condition like celiac disease to have problems with gluten. it's reallysomething that can affect everyone, and is actually giving a lot of people trouble.and a lot of people are probably having
some digestive or other problems which arerampant right now, and don't know that gluten is the root cause of it. it's allabout looking at the root cause of your problems.so how does, exactly, gluten affect your body? what's going on inside your bodywhen you consume gluten, what's it doing, and why does it cause a reaction? there'sa couple things to think about here. when you consume gluten and your body tries tobreak it down, it actually ends up seeing. . .your body sees those proteins thegliadin and the gluten proteins as irritants, as allergens, and attacks them.so gluten sets off your immune system and that ends up causing a lot of problems,especially a lot of intestinal
inflammation.imagine it like this. let's say you're inside a fireworks factory, and you takeone of those little bottle rockets or some fireworks, and you light a match, and youthrow it into a pile of fireworks. well, the next thing you know, all the fireworksstart shooting everywhere in the factory. and it sets off every single firecrackerand missile, and eventually the place blows up. it just takes one little sparkto set off a chain of events, and the same thing happens in the body. we're talkingabout gluten. but same thing happens with multiple things in toxins, heavy metals,and chemicals, and pesticides, and everything else inside the system.gluten is the same way when the body sees
and feels that gluten is in there, it'sjust like a match lighting it up. and then, that match sets everything else off.not to mention the fact that all these chemicals and toxins. and that's why isay, "health begins in the intestines, but disease also starts in the intestines."though we're talking about gluten. you have genetically modified foods. you haveacid foods. you have all of these other things that can cause leaky gut syndrome,tiny holes in your intestinal lining, where these gluten and these proteinmolecules can also not only do damage to the intestine, but leak through into thebloodstream. because the small intestines are lined with delicate tissue cellscalled villi. when you magnify these
little villi, they look like tiny littlehairs along your intestinal lining. and the villi, this layer of tissue, is wherewe absorb nutrients from our food. and this is also what protects the intestinalwall from toxins. but the gluten proteins can get tangled up in this villi, and whenyour immune system goes off it attacks the gluten. but the bad thing is not only doesyour immune system attack the gluten, it also attacks your own intestinal villi.and this is where all the inflammation, and the distress or the disease starts.so not just the painful side effects, but also it can affect the absorption ofvitamins and minerals. and that's why lot of people are deficient in vitamins andminerals and nutrients. because a lot of
the vitamins and minerals and nutrientspeople eat are in conjunction with breads or pastas or anything like that, thatcontain gluten. as a matter of fact, there's beencountless studies done that have found gluten consumption can lead to inadequatenutrition absorption. so when you combine malnourishment with intestinalinflammation, it's easy to see how this can turn into a severe downward spiralingsituation. if your body isn't getting the nutritionit needs to function the way it should, you can experience some significant healthproblems. and it doesn't take long before nutritional deficiency leads to moreserious issues like anemia, depression,
fatigue, body aches, even hair loss andwith children stunted growth. not to mention that the reactions to gluten havebeen known to cause more than just intestinal distress, even linked to hives,breathing difficulties, stuff like hormone imbalances, brain fog. i've looked atpractically every symptom not believing myself that gluten could be so damaging inthe body. and found gluten to be associated with practically every negativehealth symptom that can arise. brain fog, fatigue, depression, migraines. you mighthave migraine headaches or know somebody that has migraine headaches. and of coursewe link artificial sweeteners, aspartame, and stuff like that, food dyes.you know there's a lot of things you can
link to migraine headaches, but gluten isone of those things that you can link to migraine headaches.indigestion. think about all the people that run out and take tums or some sort ofcalcium products for indigestion when it could just be a gluten sensitivity.people are living every single day with these annoying daily symptoms, simplybecause they haven't connected the problems associated with gluten. and thinkabout how many people go to the doctor for this whole slew of symptoms. and then geton medications to treat all these symptoms, when that's not the root causeof the problem. the root cause of the problem is somethingirritating or coming into the body from
the food that you're eating, the air thatyou're breathing, all the chemicals that you're exposed to. and it's really sadthat people are out there being diagnosed with all these conditions, when it couldjust be gluten sensitivity or it's really just more less toxic syndrome. your bodyis toxic to something that you're putting in, and gluten is just one of those thingsthat the body is toxic to. so it definitely shouldn't be ignored. and ifyou're especially sensitive or if you have celiac disease, you obviously know thatyou can't ignore gluten sensitivities. one thing that i learned in doing researchwith gluten is the effect it has on your brain and nervous system. and this issomething that's even been known to cause
severe headaches, and like i was sayingmigraines. again, like everything else it's a problem that stems from the immuneresponse starting in the digestive tract. that put your nervous system on edge andyou can have mental illness or mental symptoms because of it.even seizures, blood clots which can lead to stroke. lesions similar to those thatare seen in lou gehrig's disease there's even been links to als with glutenconsumption. all of these have been connected to gluten. early-onsetcardiovascular disease, plaquing in the arteries, weight gain, obesity, bone loss,osteoporosis, hearing problems, rashes on the skin.let me just say, anytime you have a skin
problem most likely it's a bowel problem.your bowel is your skin turned inside out. so if you have any type of skin problems,i highly suggest getting and cleaning up your digestive tract. gluten has even beenassociated with permanent brain damage, it's been linked to all of that.so if you look at nature, nature will tell us not to eat gluten. because in nature,in the wild, it's not uncommon for plants to have defense mechanisms that discourageanimals from eating them. more often than not, these defense mechanisms produce animmune response, or do something to disrupt the animal's digestion. if you eatit you get sick. it's a really clear message the plant sends to the animal orus. go eat something else. and gluten is
sending us that message.one of the most disruptive ways it's sending us that message loud and clear isby affecting our mood. and that's a big surprise to a lot of people. a lot ofpeople don't know that gluten can have a huge impact on how you feel and yourhappiness. can gluten be addictive? this is anotherthing that just shocked me when i when i was looking into the research. gluten canactually form opioid type substances called gluteomorphins.and those can have the same opiate like effects like opium that results insedation, making you feel euphoric. how many times do you eat bread or pastaand just feel good? it can also cause
constipation. so guess what? that wasactually proven in scientific studies and that's why every single thing in thegrocery store. that's why you should shop on either end of the grocery store, whereall the live stuff is. because everything in the middle of the grocery store, the99% of it contain some form of gluten or wheat. because they want you to beaddicted to the food. and gluten is one of the most addictive substances out there.that if give you get off of gluten for awhile you're going to be going throughwithdrawals for bread, and pasta, and crackers, or chips, or whatever it is thatyou're addicted to with gluten. because it's like opium, they have gluteomorphinsin there. that's why lot of people put
gluten substances in their food, so youkeep coming back to it and wanting more and more and more. and all the fast foodrestaurants they want you coming back for more and more. and that's why allrestaurants cook with a lot of gluten. so if you're feeling depressed, mentallyfatigued, you have mood swings, a foggy brain. never ending case like the blah,blah, blah's. you probably need to take a look at a few of the things in your life,and the first one is the diet. so you have to ask yourself, "are you consuminggluten?" and if you are, you should definitely stop, especially feeding yourkids gluten. one of the ways that gluten affects yourmind, not only because of the opiate, but
it also affects the tryptophan levels inyour brain. and tryptophan is an amino acid that'sabsolutely crucial for the production of serotonin and melatonin two of theneurotransmitters that affect your mood and how you feel.so this is the stuff to think about when you're deciding what food to feed yourfamily and yourself, because some of these more serious neurological problems havebeen known to affect kids in particular. and when you look at what's happening withthe children these days, with the vaccinations, and the moodiness, and theirritability, and the add, adhd, the poor attention span, the autism, lack of focus.the good news is that parents who are
waking up that have actually seen howgluten can cause these things to happen, have gotten their children off of gluten,and even themselves gotten on a gluten free diet. and that a lot of times inconjunction with body cleansing may prevent the child from being onprescription medications. add, adhd medications, depression medications,anxiety medications, any of the so-called mental illness medications.one thing that definitely does not get enough attention is the effect gluten canhave on your thyroid as well and your hormones. the connection between nutritionand thyroid health has been circulating for years, but it's actually overlooked,of course. well, right now this country is
in the midst an endocrine disruptingepidemic. how many people do you know that have thyroid conditions? practicallyeverybody. and endocrine disrupting chemicals, i mean actually, believe it ornot your gut is an endocrine gland. and endocrine glands for those people whodon't know, are glands that secrete hormones. and so, i pretty much feel thateverybody out there has some sort of hormone imbalance. and it's not just me,it's multiple doctors out there that are confirming this, and it's something thatwe can't ignore any longer. and to understand how gluten affects thethyroid, you need to remember what i mentioned earlier is that, it's a proteinformed of other proteins. and gliadin is
what produces the inflammation and theproblems. but one of the interesting traits of gliadin is that, to your bodygliadin looks very similar to transglutaminase, which is an enzyme thatthe human body needs to form chemical bonds. transglutaminase and the thyroid ishighly concentrated with this enzyme. so when the immune system attacks gliadinthe antibodies also attack the thyroid because it's very similar, and that causesbig problems in the thyroid gland. and as we know, your thyroid influences yourenergy levels, your metabolism, your hormones, a lot of important processes,even your cardiovascular system. if your hormones are off balance, you'regoing to be off balance, that's just the
way it goes. so bottom line, if you havethyroid problems, and don't follow a gluten free diet you need to considergluten intolerance as a possible cause. also, every single person out there withthyroid condition, i also recommend watching my iodine webinar to learn moreabout why i feel iodine is necessary for every single person in the world.and normally i don't think that minerals and vitamins, every single person in theworld needs this one. but with the research we've done we found how importantiodine actually is, a good detoxified iodine.so when you consider gluten, it becomes likely that gluten is contributing to manycommon health problems in a more
significant way than we're just startingto understand. from a dietary perspective gluten is arecent entry into the human diet, believe it or not. it's not surprising that ourbody is going to have a hard time with gluten. our digestive system wasn'tdesigned to digest gluten, and hasn't adapted to gluten. that's one of thethings that our digestive system just can't really adapt to.so let's talk about how to go gluten free, and let's talk about some of the glutenfree things that people can do. a lot of people out there have done it on their ownand it can be life changing. because you are addressing the root cause of yourproblems, not addressing the symptoms. and
it really is the best solution. and eventhough studies have shown the symptoms of gluten sensitivity can disappear on agluten free diet, you don't have to be sensitive to gluten to be better off goinggluten free. as a matter of fact, one study found thatpeople who experienced the negative effects of gluten but didn't have celiacdisease, still had an improvement in their symptoms when they switched to a glutenfree diet. we're starting to see that all over right now. we talk to people everysingle day to switch to a gluten free lifestyle, either by choice or either byneed and every single one reports incredible improvement in their health.so successfully following a gluten free
diet is all about knowing what to eat,what to avoid, and what to watch out for. obviously most breads, cakes, pastas,cereal that kind of stuff you want to avoid.and i'm sorry to disappoint people that like to drink beer out there, but believeit or not beer contains gluten. so you want to avoid beer. now, the good news isi don't condone drinking alcohol because alcohol in itself as an endocrinedisrupting chemical. but the good news for beer drinkers that don't want to get offis there are gluten free beers on the market now. so you might want to consider,and you can get those, from what i hear, at any supermarket now, especiallythe natural organic stores that carry
gluten free beers. or you might want toconsider changing over to that. you also want to keep your eye out forbarley, rye, triticale which is a cross of rye and wheat. also products like bulgur,durum flour, farina, graham flour, kamut, semolina, and spelt. all of those arethings to avoid. just know that a gluten free lifestylerequires you to pay attention. it's really good when you do things like this becauseyou actually start paying more attention to what goes in your body, which is whatevery single person should do. wheat of course is one of the mostconsumed grains in the world, and its diversity into the food market makes itreally hard to avoid. but on the flip side
gluten free has become such a buzzwordnow, that food producers have taken notice and started using it in many of the foodsthat contained gluten in the past. so, you can also look for gluten free.usually the symbol is a little circle with a gf inside of it, that's what it's goingto symbolize. more labels are starring put a gluten-free on there.if you're into preparing your own food, which i highly recommend you start doing,there are alternative gluten free grains that provide better nutrition than wheat,and do it without all the problems. so some of the alternative grains or someof the things you can replace or make your own bread with or pasta are buckwheat,amaranth, teff, kaniwa, millet, quinoa.
quinoa is one that's gotten really popularin the gluten free society, i've even seen it at a few restaurants now. it's usuallygrown in peru and can be used in a lot of different ways, it's got a little bit of anutty flavor to it. it's great stuff, so give it a try.quinoa and all the alternative grains not only are they gluten free, but most arealso really good sources of protein and amino acids. they're high in fiber,antioxidants, and have a really good nutritional profile in terms of vitaminsand minerals. so a bonus is that because alternativegrains are more nutritious, more nutrient dense. a lot of times they're moresatisfying to your appetite. and that's
why a lot of people eat breads and thosefilling things, just because it satisfies. in fact, some of these alternative grainsare far more nutritious than white bread, which actually isn't very appetitesatisfying food at all. those can help you consume less andimplement better portions into your eating habits. the thing is when we look atcultures that had consumed alternative sources to wheat.but somewhere made to switch to white rice or white flour every single time. thatdietary switch has followed by significant increases in diabetes, cardiovasculardiseases, bowel diseases and accumulation of other diseases. so eliminating wheatfrom your diet. trying the gluten free
alternatives instead. those can beprepared in different ways. some you can roast. some you can cook like rice. theycan be paired with a lot of different flavors, vegetables, nuts, even fruit, youname it. plenty of good information out thereonline. gluten free cookbooks. gluten free alternatives. although i highly recommendyou do everything certified organic. even if you like to bake there's still a lot ofalternatives available in flour form, almond flour, coconut flour. those aresome of the ones i like to use. and a gluten free diet can be a goodthing, but if it's not balanced and nutritional on its own that might be aproblem. and a lot of times when people
first try to avoid gluten they canexperience minor nutritional deficiencies. there's been a lot of research into thisactually. and there's one study from columbia university that found alternativegluten foods, especially quinoa are excellent for bridging the gap betweennutritional intake and nutritional requirements.so again, when you try some of these alternative sources to gluten, not onlyare you getting gluten out of your diet, but you're also consuming some reallynutritious foods. avoiding gluten is just one of the thingswe need to do as part of a comprehensive approach to supporting our health.when you're getting gluten out of your
diet and repairing your internal gutenvironment, one thing you can do is add probiotics into the mix. it's all aboutstarting with repairing the gut. beneficial probiotic bacteria haveproduced great success in reducing a number of digestive problems. probioticsare helpful for improving the resilience of intestinal tissue, lessening the waythe immune system attacks it, repairing it. some probiotics are known to be reallyhelpful with the problems of gluten as well. i highly recommend doing an oxygenbased intestinal cleanse every now and then. using an oxygen intestinal cleanseron a regular basis, maybe couple times a week. using probiotics. you can eat someprobiotic rich raw foods, kefir. kombucha
tea is high in probiotics and as well highin minerals, and nutrients, and supplemnts and enzymes.speaking of enzymes, you can actually supplement with enzymes if you're having adifficult time digesting your food. and there's a lot of digestive and systemicblends of enzyme formulas out there. however let me just say this, most of theprobiotic supplements out there and the enzyme supplements are in a maltodextrinbase. so make sure you check with the company that produces them. and make surethat maltodextrin base that they're in, silicon dioxide, is gmo free and does notcontain gluten. our enzyme formula, the veganzyme, does not contain anymaltodextrin, it's in a certified organic
gum acacia base.so something anyone can do to help reset their digestive system is to go throughthose cleanses, take some digestive enzymes, eat more raw food.and if you want to do a full body cleanse, it's what i recommend everybody do everyyear. you can always check out the nine step body cleanse program on our website.it can really produce dramatic results. that's at globalhealingcenter.com.also, i'd really like to hear from people out there whose bodies don't tolerategluten. pay attention to your body. have you given up gluten entirely? how did youdo it? did you slip up from time to time? what tips and best advice can you sharewith people out there? so please leave a
comment on this video, it's great to getthat community together. this is how we learn and this is how wehelp everybody out. it's great feedback that people can take. so please leave yourcomment. please leave us your experience. please leave anything on. any additionalthings or tips or facts on gluten that you want to share that i didn't cover thisvideo. and thanks for watching. i always appreciate everybody watching thesevideos. sometimes i can't cover every little minute detail, and that's why wereally value your comments. if you want more information on healthyliving be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube, like us on facebook, andvisit our website globalhealingcenter.com.
live healthy.♪ [music] ♪
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