Thursday, February 2, 2017

natural treatment for skin diseases china


kris: so hi everybody, it's kris from kriscarr.comand i have a very special guest today - my new friend, dr sara gottfried. welcome, sara!sara: hey kris! hi everybody! kris: it is so great to have you here. andi'm such a big fan of yours. i have to say that your book, the hormone cure, has become... there it is! your book! and there's a paperback now - i still have the has become one of my new recommendations and bibles and i have brought it into my functionalmedicine practitioners. and i will say that i busted one of my own myths, thanks to you.i thought that i was high in cortisol but it turns out i'm low in cortisol. so thankyou for that, dr sara! sara: you know, i'm always happy to be ofservice. so thank you for that, kris. i'm

a huge fan, let me just get that out of theway. i've been a huge fan for years. kris: mwah, mwah! so for you guys out therewho might not know about dr sara, i think that's probably hard at this point becauseyou're such a superstar, but sometimes i'm certainly last to the party. let me just telly'all a little bit about her before we dive into this interview. she is a harvard-educatedphysician, a board-certified gynaecologist, a speaker, a yoga teacher ... isn't that nicewhen it all comes together? i say those really big educational words and then i say she'sa yoga teacher! what? she's a mom of two daughters and the author of this unbelievable book,the hormone cure, as i said. so, sara, i want to talk about something that i know is goingon for a lot of women in my life right now.

that is an increased amount of stress.sara: mmm. kris: i know you are just the master at solvingthese problems for folks. so tell me what you mean by 'runaway stress' and what happensto our bodies when we have runaway stress. sara: this is such a great question. i thinkthat most of us don't realize that we have runaway stress. you know, there's sort oftricky ways that it shows up. one way is that you just feel ungrounded, or you feel anxious,or depressed - 50% of people who have depression actually have high cortisol. it's a suicidemarker. kris: wow.sara: cortisol is the main stress hormone and the problem with runaway stress is thatit changes the entire hormonal makeup of your

body. so this is really important. it canage you prematurely ... why don't we get the vain things out of the way first, kris, does that sound good? kris: that sounds awesome!sara: and then we can talk about the inner ecosystem. so, you know, on the surface ireally think that your skin is a mirror of your life and if you have runaway stress,if you have bad stress and cortisol is either too high or too low or, you know, maybe bothwithin the same day, it causes you to wrinkle prematurely, it shrinks - on the inside - itshrinks your telemeters, those are the cute little caps on your chromosomes that are amarker of your biological, as opposed to your chronological, age. and it robs you of themood and metabolism that you most deserve.

so, if you don't want to be fat and cranky,you've got to make sure that you don't have runaway stress!kris: [laughs] i like that. nobody wants to be fat and cranky. but, you know, we justdon't, but i think that it's great in theory but how do we in our daily lives really practisethat? because, when we get that email, when we feel up against the ropes with a deadline,or when something's going on with our kids, you know, from your perspective, how do wewalk out of that stress cyclone? sara: yeah, the stress cyclone! you know,the key thing with the cyclone ... actually i don't know cyclones very well buti know hurricanes! kris: hurricanes, ok!sara: the stress hurricane, you want to find

the eye. like, we all have the stress hurricane happening all the time and it's not the amount of stress that you have, it's actually yourreaction to it. it's your perception of the stress, especially if you think it's harmfulfor you. so i think the key part, when you're up against the wall and you have stress coming from multiple different places, is to really understand your response to it. and there'sa lot of ways to do that but i think it really starts with measuring - and you can measureit with questionnaires, you can look at symptoms, blood tests, you can measure those cute littletelemeters, it's not expensive to do that. so there's lots of different ways to measureit, but i think that's where it first starts. and, once you have that measurement, and youhave the awareness, then you can step into

the grace of developing your solutions - thesolutions that are really tailor-made for you, because not everybody ... kris, sometimesi have folks come to me in my practise and they'll say "dr sara, i know you're a yogateacher and i just want to tell you right now i'm not going to yoga."kris: [laughs] sara: "so can we talk about something else?because that's not going to work for me and i'm not going to sit on a cushion and meditateeither." so we've got to come up with the solutions that really work for folks.kris: yeah, i love that. and i think that, once we find those solutions, we actuallyhave to practise them, because sometimes it's very easy to stay stuck in our habits - includingthe habits that support stress - when we know

right around the corner there's somethingbetter waiting for us. i know, for me, dancing, hiking in the woods, really unstructured timeand really awesome, fun movies are my go-to stress reducers. and, if i'm choosing notto do them, or i'm saying that i'm not making time to do those, then i'm actually choosingmore stress in my life than more joy. and it's taken me a long time to actually ownup to that! sara: yeah, that's such a good point and i think,once you have your a la carte menu - i like your menu, you've got the dancing, the hiking... what was the third thing? kris: i love movies and i love unstructuredtime. sara: yeah!kris: yeah.

sara: unstructured time and movies! so, youknow, all of those, i think, suspend time kris: mmm.sara: and i think, for all of us, we need to getout of that hamster wheel of time. you know, running from one task to the next and theto do list that is at the front of our consciousness instead of the mission that we want to rockwhile we're here. when you are able to hit the pause button it really makes such a differencein your physiology. and it's ... you know, i want to make sure that people understandthat ... i'm not saying what i was told when i was in my mid-30s, when i was crazy stresspantsand i went to my doctor and i was, like, "waaaaah! i'm a working mother and i can't do this andi'm fat and i'm cranky and irritable and i don't want to have sex with my husband." andmy doctor was like, "ok, you need to reduce

stress."kris: right. sara: that's not my message at all. my messageis let's hike with it a bit differently, let's dance with it differently, let's take it outfor a walk in nature. because stress hates going for a walk in nature. that just doesn'twork at all. so we've gotta find these ways to have a different relationship with stress.kris: i love that you say that because none of us ... i mean, very few of us live in the luxuriouslife where we can protect ourselves 100% and live in a bubble from stress. i think it'svery easy to kind of paint this either/or reality and then the vast majority of folksout there, especially the vast majority are women, feel like their problem isn't reallybeing solved and they're still left scratching

their head. so, for you personally, how doyou, as you say, dance with stress, meet stress half-way?sara: yeah, oh this is such a good one. i'm a yoga teacher so, you know, i had to becomea yoga teacher because iwas so stress-crazed in my 30s. so i like to disrupt it with yoga.and sometimes it's as simple as sacral release. you know, like one yoga pose that i'll doin the morning and the days where i could go to those lovely 90-minute classes, likethose days are pretty much over! so i don't do that anymore. i also use my iphone, i'll be at the grocery store and i'll pop on inner balance by heart math and i'll do some coherance training, where youtake the sympathetic nervous system, that half of your nervous system that's in charge offight or flight, and i'll get it into sync

with my parasympathetic nervous system, thathalf of your nervous system that does rest and digest. when you connect the two ... ah,it's like biological yumminess. it's so good for you. orgasm does it too! so those are,you know, some of the things that work really well for me.kris: let's go to my favorite subject: the link between cortisol and all the bad crapthat could go on in your life! sara: [laughs] oh yes! well, this list islong. i'll give you a few headlines and you can tell me where you want to dive deeper.kris: you got it. sara: i mentioned, you know, that, when cortisol'slike a runaway train, you can get fat and cranky. so why don't we start first with fat?kris: [laughs]

sara: so, when you're stressed out, and iget ... i used to get stressed out over the most minor things. but, what i found wheni was in that place of being thin-skinned and highly sensitive, was that i would getfat so easily. i would go into survival mode and, when you're in survival mode and cortisolis either really high or you're at more the burnout phase, where it's low, then what happensis you're storing fat. so your body is kind of like, if you imagine an irish potato farmerwho has a famine upon them, they don't know where their next meal is going to come you store fat like crazy and especially where you can pick it up fast - which is right here at your belly. and that's not sucha good thing. it's fat that is not just at your waistline, it's also around your liverand in your liver. it's around your organs

and it's a special kind of bad fat that ismetabolically active and working against you. kris: right.sara: including shrinking the telemeters. kris: that's not good.sara: none of us want to be fat. we want to be lean. in fact, we know that longevity,imentioned that telemeters can track your longevity, when it comes to longevity youwant to be either maintaining your lean body mass or making it better as you get older.that happens to be one of my goals. i want to look totally hot when i'm in my late 90s!what do you think kris? kris: i think that's a good idea. i like thatplan. sara: yeah, green juice, keep the cortisolin check.

kris: exactly.sara: right? so, yeah, what else. #1 you're going to get fat. #2 it robs you of thosehappy brain chemicals. i was making the joke about dopamine, which is responsible for pleasureand satisfaction, and addict brains tend to be really focused on dopamine and i happento be one of those addict brains. if something is worth doing it's worth overdoing! and alsoserotonin. so serotonin is ... i like to call it dr serotonin, that's what my assistantcalls it. kris: [laughs]sara: serotonin's in charge of your mood and your sleep and your appetite and it's notlike all these brain chemicals are created equal. like serotonin is the gatekeeper. youreally want to love up your serotonin, it's

very important when you have runaway stress,when you have high cortisol or low cortisol, it effects the levels of these happy brainchemicals. so that affects your mood, anxiety, depression, add, memory issues, those aresome of the things that happen. in fact, we know, for people who have high cortisol, itcan shrink your hippocampus. kris: oh.sara: i just wanted to say hippocampus for you, kris.kris: it's a sexy word, hippocampus! it's such a sexy word. it's really for after-hoursbut, since you went there, here we are! sara: [laughs] it's cocktail hour somewhere,i thought i could bring in hippocampus! so your hippocampus is in charge of your emotional regulation and memory consolidation and, if

you are shrinking that puppy in your brainwith high cortisol, you are going to walk into a room and just be like, why did i comein here again? i can't remember. and you're not going to be able to emotionally regulate.and, oh my gosh, aren't relationships the most important thing on the planet?kris: yeah. sara: we need our hippocampus to have strong,supportive relationships. so those are a few of the things. i could go on and on aboutwhat happens with the ... kris: cortisol, yes.sara: when cortisol goes bad. kris: so let me ask you a question, becausei bet a lot of people out there listening to this will probably wonder how do i knowif mine is high or low or where i stand? what

would you suggest?sara: well, i ... i want to give a range of options here, ranging from absolutely freeto ... kris: very expensive!sara: very expensive! some of the tests that you can do ... free would be that you do a symptomquestionnaire. and i have a free one on my website. i'm happy to give the url for can also, if you get my book, on page 24 through 31 you can take my questionnairethat i've been using in my practice for 20 years to identify problems with high cortisol,low cortisol, and anything in between. so those are some of the suggestions in termsof measuring. you can also do a blood test. and i'm a big fan. i practise functional medicine,as you know kris, and i like to do blood work

first, because it's the universal languageof mainstream medicine. now, that's a separate conversation, how i want to completely changemainstream medicine and bring them our way! but i like to start with blood tests, becausemost mainstream doctors don't really buy the whole cortisol issue and adrenal disregulation,even though there's thousands and thousands of studies showing that there's a link tocancer and to diabetes and metabolic syndrome and all these other issues.kris: now what about saliva or urine or anything like that?sara: yeah, so i say by any means necessary. i like to start with the blood test, becausei think it's a good screening test and it's got this universality with other doctors thati like and then, if you haven't detected a

problem or if you want to go further, i'ma big fan of saliva testing. and the most common is to do what's called a four-pointtest. the fancy word is 'diurnal'. kris: yes, yes.sara: diurnal. and that's where you check, when you first get up in the morning, your saliva forcortisol, before lunch, before dinner, and before you go to bed. you know, what happenswith cortisol is you want to be high in the morning, not too high, not too low, you wantto be at a certain level and you have this lovely downhill ski-slope that you run overthe course of the day. and, if you don't have that slope, if you're flat, for instance,which is one of the things we see in folks who suffer with cancer. if you don't havethat slope, it can be worse than smoking for

your health.kris: wow. sara: so you really want to pay attentionto this. another thing you can do is you can measure cortisol in your hair. how about that?kris: hmm. sara: it's a bit of an average, so it's harderto kind of see the slope. kris: yes.sara: and then you can also measure it in your urine.kris: the reason why i brought that up is because i think that the ... i was callingthem quizzes but i think that the forms in your book that you can go through to reallyfigure out what's going on with you as so, so useful. and i've been a [laughs] a patientin functional medicine for a long time. and

sometimes i feel like i know as much as someof the doctors that i've worked with - just because, when you're up against the ropes,you tend to get very passionate and learn everything you want to know or need to knowabout your particular situation. it wasn't until i took one of your ... i filled outone of your questionnaires that i was like, wait a minute, this is all off, because myblood test - and i share this with everybody because i think it might be common and sarawill tell us in a moment - my blood test was fine. so then i did the four-point test andthat's when i learned that my cortisol was way too low in the morning. and, just takingsome licorice first thing in the morning, with a really large glass of water beforei go on to my warm water with lemon, i could

see such a difference in my overall day. andit was that simple. sara: yeah.kris: and, until then, i had licorice but i was taking other things and i thought thisprobably isn't the most important thing on my list.sara: [laughs] kris: and i just relegated it off to the sidebecause sometimes i take a lot of different supplements. well it turned out to be thedifference between being exhausted throughout the day or being like a regular human. sothat's why i brought up the saliva test. and my question is, with, for example with theblood test, is it common that sometimes it can come back and everything looks fine butit really isn't still?

sara: absolutely. there's so much, there areso many nuggets in what you just described and i want to unravel a couple of them. i'mgoing to come back to thsi point about the blood test and how it's not the best screeningtest, especially if you really think that there's an issue. so i wanted to say firstthat i totally believe that you are your best doctor.kris: mmm. sara: you know, especially when you've hada wakeup call, as you have had, kris. i think it just allows you to step into that placeof kind of divine investigation that is very hard to find in a clinician. and if you findit, oh my gosh, hang on to that person! kris: exactly!sara: you want to create a partnership, i

think that is so crucial. #2 i want to saythat the blood test, you know, even though it's part of this universal language thatmainstream medicine speaks, it's a snapshot of the 10 seconds that a needle is in yourvein, right? kris: good point.sara: i think you may have a needle phobia and be a little freaked out about me talkingabout that but i think it's important to realize that, if you look at your level of cortisolover the course of the entire day, versus the 10 seconds that you've got that needle,it really makes a difference. especially if you do have a needle phobia, chances are yourcortisol is going to go up while that needle is in your vein!kris: yeah!

sara: and if you're low in cortisol and they'resticking you with the needle, maybe they've stuck you three times and your cortisol is,like, waaaah! you're not going to measure that it was low! right?kris: so true. sara: so i think it's important, not justto do multiple tests, but also to integrate them with the symptoms. i appreciate you bringingup the quizzes and the questionnaires, because most physicians who've been practising fora while, or other types of practitioners, realize that you want to integrate the clinicalstory with the laboratory tests. you never want to treat one in isolation, you want tofind the bridge between them. and i would always say that symptoms trump the laboratorytests.

kris: mmm.sara: now, when it comes to this laboratory test, i'll get a little bit more detailedbecause, when i did my first cortisol test, my primary care physician got the result andshe basically was, like, "oh, your cortisol's fine, there's no problem here." this was inmy mid-30s, when i saw my primary care doctor and i had a hunch that the suggestions thati was getting were not the best thing for me. like anti-depressants, reduce your stress,and how about a nice birth control pill? kris: so you're being really polite rightnow? sara: i'm being so polite!kris: [laughs] sara: so this guy got my test and i had acortisol of, like, 20, which is about double

what it should be in the morning. and he said,"oh, you're fine. you're totally normal." kris: wow.sara: so he was using that 95% bell curve for, you know, the us population, which ismore stressed out than ever before in the history of the world. and i don't want tobe like 95% of the population! i want to be in the optimal range, which tends to be, inthe morning, with an 8am lab draw, between about 10 & 15%. and then i had other blooddraws, i repeated it, of course, because i didn't believe him. and then i was at 30!so i was about triple where i should have been.kris: wow. sara: and that was the key to all of my otherhormone problems. it's not just that i want

people to manage their cortisol it's that,when you manage your cortisol, and you change their dance, that hike, with stress, it helpsall yoru other hormone. because cortisol is the boss, the boss-man, and it's in chargeof how much estrogen and progesterone and testosterone and thyroid hormone you're making.and you've gotta unlock the cortisol first. kris: such a beautiful way to put it and it'sso easy and it makes people like me, who love very specific tests and action items, go ohyeah, i've got something very clear to focus on. so i know a lot of people out there areprobably going to get very excited as well. i don't know if we covered this or not but,if there was one public enemy out there, one thing that we should be very aware of, whatwould it be?

sara: well, i think i have a three-way tiebut i'm going to say food and how ... our food has been completely hijacked and mostof us don't realize that big food is really manipulating us, with the salt, sugar, fatbombs that they drop on us. and, unless you're super conscious about the way that you'reeating, chances are the food is creating this fat party in your body and we don't want that!kris: mmm. sara: so i would say big food and i was goingto say big chemistry and endocrine disrupters but i think i'm going to save that for anothertime with you, kris. kris: ok, i look forward to that another time.we might have an ongoing date here, you and i and the world.sara: right on.

kris: well, you know i love talking aboutfood so let's dive into that and let's talk about what foods reduce stress in the body.sara: oh yes. i'm going to take a big breath here because this is such a fun, #1 i would say green. green green green green. it alkalizes, it just soothes yourfood soul in a way that nothing else does. i mean, i think any diet that you go on, theyall have this common theme of 'eat more non-starchy vegetables'. so that would be #1. it's sogood for you, it's just really soothing for your gut microbiome. honestly, i wonder ifyou agree with this, i think the next 10-12 years of medicine, it's all going to be aboutthe gut microbiome, the collection of bacteria that you have in your gut which outnumbershuman cells 10 to 1.they're very important.

kris: so that's #1.sara: and then #2, chocolate! kris: [laughs] oh, you've got people reallyexcited now! go on girl, what's going on with chocolate?sara: oh my gosh. so, this may be my favorite study ever on cortisol. there was a study,okay it was funded by hersheys and i have a problem with that but, whatever, they found,in a randomized trial, so this is the best evidence that you can possibly get, that oneor two squares of extra dark chocolate a day lowers your cortisol level. and, if you area low cortisol person, it helps to rebalance cortisol. it creates that harmony in the bodythat we want when your adrenals are disregulated. so dark chocolate. i'm talking about the extradark chocolate, my friend, so the cacao nibs,

i happen to like 80% or higher in terms ofpercentage cacao. i'd love to hear any comments you have about extra dark chocolate.kris: yeah, i would absolutely agree with you and especially making the difference,the distinction between dark chocolate and milk chocolate. because i think that darkchocolate can have so many beneficial properties, including - correct me if i'm wrong - magnesium,theobromine, really good stuff for you. but milk chocolate we want to avoid, certainly,because of the inflammation. and it also, from my perspective, it tends to be a lotsweeter. so, when we're looking at inflammation specifically, the more we can reduce the amountof processed sugar, for example, most people know that at this point but sometimes youcan forget where it's hidden. would you agree

with that?sara: i totally agree. i totally agree. and i think you're right about the magnesium.most of us are magnesium deficient and we need to make sure that we're getting magnesiumfrom food sources whenever possible. some of us need to take a supplement - like me.kris: me too. sara: so #1 greens. #2 the extra dark chocolate.and then #3, omega 3s. you've got to make sure you're getting omega 3s from your foodplan. i also take a supplement, because i have a tendency toward inflammation. and youcan get your omega 3s in a lot of different places. i just was - i don't think it's inseason quite yet here in the bay area, but there's this green called purslane that ireally love. and it is the richest source

of omega 3 in a plant.kris: wow, i didn't know that! that's awesome. sara: i was trying to rock a few truth bombsfor you, kris. so i was digging deep to come up with a couple for you!kris: [laughs] let me ask you a question because i know a lot of our readers ... our viewersout there who listen to me are vegan and sometimes they can feel kind of left out when it comesto supplementation recommendations, especially when, you know, one of the biggest recommendationsis fish oil and people might not be open to taking fish oil but they need supplementation.i do my best to try to put walnuts in as much of my food as i possibly can, because, ifi'm not careful i can definitely get low. is there a supplement that you like, thatyou would recommend for vegans?

sara: now, i have to put on my crazy scientisthat here and i wish that i could say that there are fantastic randomized trials lookingat vegan sources of omega 3s that you can take as a supplement and, correct me if i'mwrong, but i don't think we're quite there in terms of having the best evidence thatit really moves the needle. now, i suspect it does, i think food sources do that andi suspect that many of the vegan sources out there of omega 3 supplements do move the needlefor you but i like to really have a high bar of evidence and i don't have it when it comesot the vegan sources. kris: so foods, great foods, and if you'renot vegan or if you're open to it, fish oil. i think what's sometimes confusing about fishoil is that you also have information about

the toxicity and the rancidness of unstablefish oils. sara: oh yes.kris: and that they can be more difficult to keep stable. so, yeah, i think you andi come back to the same position all the time, which is get it from your food and everythingelse is supplemental. and if you really need it, then you go and find what source worksfor you and your own values, etc. okay, so we hit omega 3s, we hit chocolate - whicheverybody's happy about - we hit greens. is there anything else we should talk about toreduce stress? sara: well, there's a longer list. i talkabout it quite a bit in chapter 4 of my book. i want to say that, you know, one issue thatcomes up for women that creates stress is

going too low in your carbohydrates.kris: mmm. sara: so this is one of those places where,just as you want your cortisol to not be the bad boyfriend that you dated in high schoolor college, right, and you don't want it too high and you don't want it too low, you wantto make sure that your carbohydrates are not too high and not too low. so i see a lot ofwomen who come to me who maybe went paleo or they decided to go low carb and they arenot getting the results that they hoped for. and often what happens for women, especiallyif you're trying to get pregnant, or you're post-partum, or you have thyroid issues, youreally need a certain level of carbohydrates. that's true especially if you have any adrenalissues. and, kris, i know two people in all

of california who don't have adrenal issuesso we're talking about most of us here, right?! kris: wow. can we study with them? i thinkthat would be really wonderful. sara: totally. one of them's my sister soshe's, like, poster child. but, when it comes to carbohydrates, what we know - and my nextbook is actually about this - when it comes to women, most of us need somewhere betweenabout 25 and 99 net carbs per day. and that's what you need for your adrenals, your thyroidto really be functioning well. so i would say the carbohydrates are important too andi'm talking about the slow carbs. i'm talking about the sweet potatoes and the taro chipsand getting carbs from your vegetables. i'm not talking about a box of processed foods.kris: she would never talk about that, friends!

she would never talk about that. i'm so gladyou brought that up because, certainly right now, since paleo is such a craze, carbs getso villified and when the rubber meets the road is when doctors like you say but thisis what i'm seeing in my patients. it doesn't work for everybody. in fact, there's a lotof people who have a difficuilt time on vegan diets. so i think where you and i - again,we agree on so many things - but i think what we mostly agree on is you've got to get thecrap out of your diet! really have to get the crap out of your diet. and there reallyisn't a need to villify food, we just want to be very conscious about where the foodis coming from, what food should be used in moderation. i think that's so important. youknow, there are a lot of people that i speak

to who never would want to go vegan like i'vegone and what i continually say is can you choose certified humane, can you have smallerportions, can you have less during the course of the week? because those things will helpyour health and your wellbeing. sara: yeah, totally true. and it's, you know,i love how you are broadening the field here because it's when you take those baby steps,the certified humane, that it adds up to major transformation over time. when i think aboutthere's sort of another layer here of consciousness when it comes to the food that you put inyour mouth and it's ... i look through hormone glasses ... shall i put my hormone glasseson? kris: yes. they're very smart. they're smarthormone glasses.

sara: [laughs] so, hormones drive your consciousnessand also your consciousness drives your hormones and your hormone balance. and i think that,when you keep mining this experience with food and you really figure out, okay, thisis not one size fits all, it's not even one size fits all for you over the course of yourlife. kris: right.sara: 5 years ago your needs may have been very different than what they are right we've got to figure out, okay, let's cultivate the consciousness, the body awareness, sothat we really know what is the right food plan for me.kris: mmm. so good. okay, let me move on to my last question, because i could go on. so,for the green juice drinking, yoga mama in

our audience, who is rocking some of thesetips already, what is she not thinking about or addressing? what's she missing?sara: yeah. well, i love this question because it kind of takes us to the next level, ornext few levels. beyond that point about measuring. because what you measure improves and thecorollary is that, if you're not measuring something, if you're not aware of something,then you can't change it. you can't change it for the better. so, measuring, i think,is so important. once you measure, i'm a big fan of building out a dashboard. so i'm picturinga really nice, kind of blinged out dashboard here for the yoga mama who's drinking thegreen juice. just like you have a dashboard on your computer or you have a dashboard thata pilot uses in an airplane, i want our listeners

to build out that dashboard. now, for me,i've got to track the cortisol because i'm like a cortisol junkie and i need to be mindfulof how cortisol can kind of take over. so i track it on my dashboard about once a quarter.i also track inflammation and everybody has a different way of doing that. homocysteine,for instance, doesn't measure it in my body, neither does c-reactive protein, so i haveto track some other things on my dashboard. so i would say building out this dashboardis #1. and then #2, ritualize. ritualize. now, you were talking earlier about how unstructuredtime is really important for you and i do think that that's crucial, especially forconnecting to our higher feminine and our higher masculine. i'm going to go berkleywoo-hoo on you here for a moment but there's

a ritualizing that i think is very importantbecause i need a reminder on it on an almost daily basis. when i get up in the morningand i do 5 minutes of yoga, instead of checking my email inbox, that allows me to ritualizethis awareness, that i really need to bring to my biology, my dna each day. so those area few suggestions for our green juice drinking yoga mama who's wondering what to do next!kris: those are wonderful. they really take it to the next level. and sometimes the nextlevel is actually just going deeper, it's not even higher, it's just deeper and gettingmore intuitive and more in touch with what you need to be mindful of. because your bodyis giving you messages all the time, right? and oftentimes we just aren't sharp enoughor intuitive enough or open enough or quiet

enough to actually go, oh wait, hold on, ijust heard that, oh gotcha, alright, let me see what happens if i start to do that foryou on a regular basis. sara: ah, see that ... that is magic for yourdna. when you have that level of not taking a symptom - say you're not sleeping well andyou just go okay, i'm just going to get a sleeping pill, i'm just going to medicatethis way. when you do that instead of doing what your body most needs - which is to takethat message and decode it and go deeper with it and sort of say, okay, is that it? do ineed to go further? do i have some fears that are coming up around this symptom? like what'sgetting in the way, what's the swamp that i'm in around this?kris: right.

sara: that really is what creates the gracethat we're talking about when it comes to your biology.kris: you're such a wealth of information and such a beautiful soul and funny and sexyand fabulous. and i'm so glad that you're out doing this work and you're in my thank you for this. sara: thank you, kris. right back to you.i adore what you're doing for the planet. thank you.kris: so, before we go, i want you to just share any information, new stuff that's goingon for you, talk about your website, anything that our viewers might need to know.sara: sure. sure. well, i mentioned the free quiz that we have. so hopefully that willbe of some service to some of our listeners.

if you want to figure out where you are withthese hormones. kris: yeah, and we can link to that. we'lllink to that in the blog at sara: okay, beautiful. so that's great. sara: so that'swhere my book lives, my first book. i've got my next book coming out in march of 2015.very excited about that. it's a soul-to-soul food plan.kris: ooo! sara: like how to reset your 7 hormones andmetabolism with the way that you eat and move. so i'm very excited about that. and i alsohave my mothership, which is i always have to say sara without an h, g-o-t-t-f-r... it's just easier to go to!

kris: [laughs] google knows who you are though,it's pretty neat! you're searched quite often! alright, well thanks again. and, everybodyout there listening, if there's something going on, leave us a comment, drop it below,head on over to so often in the comments, you all answer your own questions,but both sara and i will be watching. i hope this was helpful for you. we both love youvery, very much. and have a great day. [instrumental music]

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